Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sticking To Something

Sticking to something you want may pay off in the long run. And sometimes it doesn't. As for me i stuck to one person for months even though he didn't. We still arn't back together, but we are really close friends. It's better than what we were before. He wouldn't talk to me for ages. But now we're good so I'm happy. I'm bored and cant think of much to say, that's why i keep repeating myself.
He comes round to my house sometimes to check on me. It was great in a thunderstorm the other night. Everyone knows that I'm so scared of thunderstorms. He came over in the pouring rain to check on me. He was drenched by the time he got here. We sat and talked for hours. Every time lightning flashed, he'd hug me and put his hands over my eyes so that i didn't have to see it. It was really sweet.
Sticking to things you want can be hard and frustrating sometimes, especially when it's really hard to get. But it pays off in the long run.

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