Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My Big Bro's

My brothers are the best in the world. They might not be blood related to me but they help me through EVERYTHING. From guy problems to family problems, right down to the littlest thing you could think of. They help me through everything. And they're great to talk to.

Damo for example is ALWAYS there for me at school. I've been able to turn to him whenever i get stuck at school. Even outside of school he's great to talk to. I couldn't imagine not being friends with him. Talking with him is awesome because we always have a topic. Whether its play station games or pies, he's great.

Byron is another one of my brothers. I probably trust him the MOST out of all of my brothers. I can tell him anything in the world and he'll keep it to himself. Whenever i need him, he's always there for me. And what's even cooler, I'm always there for him. I look up to him with a lot of things. And although he used to saturate me after EVERY athletics meet, we've become the best mates i could ever wish for.

I've always wanted an older brother. I'm the eldest in my family and the only brother i have is an 8 year old freak. I've never had anyone there to look out for me and be there 24/7. Appart from my friends. But they can't be there for me 24/7. I've always found it really cool to have a brother that i can talk to and that will be there for me. Although i want one really bad, my non-blood-related brothers are the best ever!


I think that articles about celebs gone wrong are mainly the blame of them going wrong. If you get what im saying. Yes they may have cracked under pressure, and some of them supposivly do the most stupidest things. It's the journalist's fault. In my oppinion they should leave all the celebs alone and let them get their lives back on track. The articles are sometimes why celebs crack under preassure. You gotta feel sorry for them sometimes. People enphisise things too much these days. Most of the things in the newspaper arn't the full story. People only tell half the story to make it sound more interesting.

Sticking To Something

Sticking to something you want may pay off in the long run. And sometimes it doesn't. As for me i stuck to one person for months even though he didn't. We still arn't back together, but we are really close friends. It's better than what we were before. He wouldn't talk to me for ages. But now we're good so I'm happy. I'm bored and cant think of much to say, that's why i keep repeating myself.
He comes round to my house sometimes to check on me. It was great in a thunderstorm the other night. Everyone knows that I'm so scared of thunderstorms. He came over in the pouring rain to check on me. He was drenched by the time he got here. We sat and talked for hours. Every time lightning flashed, he'd hug me and put his hands over my eyes so that i didn't have to see it. It was really sweet.
Sticking to things you want can be hard and frustrating sometimes, especially when it's really hard to get. But it pays off in the long run.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

People who thinks they're so cool when they bag other people

Some people find it amusing to mock people, call them names and hurt them. They think that its being big. Well the truth is that these bullies are small and weak. It does not make you big when you pick on people. Sometimes it can hurt them really bad inside and can sometimes lead to suicides. But some people have bed pasts that they want to forget or maybe they need to talk about them. But it can really hurt people. So those sort of bullies should stop while they're ahead. Just so people know my uncle's a cop and he told me that you can get charged big money for any type of bullying because its a type of harrasment

Thursday, November 8, 2007

My crush

My crush. I know that i like him and he supposivly likes me. But he flirts with other girls. Why does he do it when he likes me??? He's so freaking annoying.

When i'm alone with him, he's really nice and he cares about my feelings. But as soon as he's with friends he's a total jerk. When i hug my mates, i get into trouble because i'm a 'traitor'. But its a different story with him. If he hugs his friends and flirts with other girls he just thinks i'm complaining. Then he wonders whats wrong. I try to tell him but he wont listen. He just ignores me. Its SO annoying.

Boys are so freaking complicated.

Luv Rach


Gee, what to say about love. Well you sometimes it drives you mad. But you know that you can't live without it. There are many types of love. Loving your family and friends. Loving hobbies. Or loving the opposite sex.
All this is cool but as soon as you cant have it you get depressed. Well i get depressed. I know that i cant live without love. It's something thats just part of me. And when guys hurt me it just tears me apart. I'm sure that it tears everyone about when they lose someone they love. It tears you inside out. Losing something is never easy. Whether it be family, friends, animals or boyfriends.
Breaking up with someone is just as hard to cope with. The term 'dumped' i think is a bit harsh. Why not say 'breaking-up' instead. Breaking up with someone isn't ever going to be nice but if you say it nicely things wont turn out to be as bad as they sound.
But as the saying goes about guys: 'You cant live with them, But you cant live without them.'

Luv Rach

Boy Friends

Dont you just hate it when boyfriends act totally different when they're with their friends? Why cant they just act normally around girlfriends? Although to them i suppose it's normal. When you let them know they suddenly get defensive and say that we're just complaining. What is with that? Guys have no clue at all.

I think that they feel they need to act cool all the time. Deep down they still like their loved ones. They just dont want to show it. Or maybe their friends pressure them into thinking that they're something they're not. Guys can be so complicated sometimes. Don't you just wish that they would just act normal all the time? Boys can be so complicated sometimes. Dont you just want to rip your hair out sometimes?

But your close 'boy' friends are the ones to keep. These are the guys that can be life long friends. The ones who stick up for you and bash someone if they hurt you. The ones you can share secrets with and trust with personal information. These are the guys that i love the best.

Peace Out
Rachel a.k.a - The Dragon Master