Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I think that articles about celebs gone wrong are mainly the blame of them going wrong. If you get what im saying. Yes they may have cracked under pressure, and some of them supposivly do the most stupidest things. It's the journalist's fault. In my oppinion they should leave all the celebs alone and let them get their lives back on track. The articles are sometimes why celebs crack under preassure. You gotta feel sorry for them sometimes. People enphisise things too much these days. Most of the things in the newspaper arn't the full story. People only tell half the story to make it sound more interesting.

1 comment:

The Tea Party Police said...

..thanks, Rach. I've only wanted to be a journalist for the past 5 years. So much for "friends" .. anyway, I think you mean papparazzi, journalist write about news, not celebrities.